Visual Arts

The main objective of the Visual Arts Program is to develop student self-confidence, enjoyment and understanding of The Arts. Students are encouraged to explore and interpret personal experiences, foster imagination and creativity. They develop manipulative skills, explore and experiment with a wide variety of materials, apply art elements, processes and techniques, develop looking, thinking and technical skills, have social interaction with their peers and be able to analyse their own artworks and those of others, including works from past and present contexts.


Students participate in visual arts activities for an hour per week where lessons focus on the art elements of colour, texture, pattern, line and shape, whilst focusing on specific skills relating to drawing, painting, printing, threads and textiles, construction, clay, collage and paper craft.


Where possible Visual Arts activities are linked with classroom themes.


Junior students are developing their fine motor skills and experimenting with a range of different tools and techniques to create artworks.


Middle school students are responding to styles and techniques applied by various Artists. They create their own artworks based on skills discussed, explained and practiced.


A major project for senior students involves a unit on threads and textiles where Grade 5 students create and sew ‘Buddy Bears’ for our future foundation students and Grade 6 students create and sew their ‘Graduation Bears’.

© Tatura Primary School