ICT - Information and Communication Technologies

Our students are taught and assessed across three dimensions in Standards in the Information and Communications Technology domain. They are: ICT for visualising thinking, ICT for creating and ICT for communicating.


At Tatura Primary School we believe that ICT should be integrated as a learning tool within all learning areas.  Students build ICT skills on a regular basis using laptops and/or iPads in all areas of their learning.  We are very proud of our 1:1 ratio, allowing all students access to an individual device during school hours.


Our school is currently registered in the eSmart program, a guiding framework for schools to help manage cybersafety and wellbeing. 


Our school will work towards achieving eSmart status by involving the school community by integrating cybersafety into our wellbeing policies, establishing clear procedures to deal with incidents, and delivering curriculum around the smart, safe and responsible use of technology.


eSmart will help teachers, students and the whole school community embrace the benefits of technology and reduce our exposure to cyberspace risks such as cyberbullying, identity theft, online sexual predation and accessing or sending inappropriate images and content. 


This program is funded by the Victorian Government, eSmart is an initiative of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, a national charity committed to protecting children from violence.

© Tatura Primary School